Wonderful life ahead!

During This Holy Week

Living the words we pray…

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Dear Brothers and Sisters,

We have entered into Holy Week, and hopefully it will be a time for much prayer. As St. John Vianney defined it: “Prayer is nothing other than union with God”. Jesus, the Word made Flesh is our Way, our Truth, and our Life and so we seek our union with God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, through Him with Mary, during this Passion week, in a more fervent way perhaps than at any other time of the Liturgical Year.

Prayer can be expressed in words, but it can also be expressed without words. When the disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to pray, He answered when you pray, say: “Our Father…” Jesus taught them and us the perfect prayer. Perhaps this Holy Week we can pray slowly those words Jesus taught us, and seek by the power of His Holy Spirit to live the words we pray. May the Word of God dwell in us deeply, as He dwelt in Mary as she pondered in her heart all He said and did.

May Mary help us all to live Holy Week well. From her, we learn interior silence, the look of the heart, loving faith to follow Jesus on the Way of the Cross, which leads to the joyful light of the Resurrection.

“O Jesus living in Mary, come and live in your servants, in the spirit of holiness, in the fullness of your power, in the perfection of your ways, in the truth of your virtues, in the communion of your mysteries. Rule over every adverse power, in your Spirit, for the glory of the Father. Amen.” — prayer of Fr. Olier, S.S. (1608-1657)

Source: vcatholic

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